Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hair dye time? I'm thinking so.

I've had blogger's block lately. I haven't really felt up to writing this past week. Even now, I find myself staring at my computer screen so unsure of what to write about. Hopefully this will pass soon enough. For now, I have to admit something. I found gray hairs this week! I almost died. Literally. Maybe not literally, but I just about passed out when I found those 3 dreaded gray strands lingering. Of course I yanked them out immediately and plan on dying my hair in the next few days. I didn't expect those bad boys to rear their ugly heads this early. I guess I hoped they would wait at least another 5-10 years. They had other plans.

I blame stress. I have been stressed to the max for a few reasons.
1. Planning our move. We're moving. AGAIN. At the end of next month. Thankfully, moving doesn't really bother me. J just separated from the military so it's nothing new for us. But the planning part is always a huge pain. Looking for a place to live, new daycare for the kiddos, the whole works. Big pain.
2. Vacation. We're heading to California for a week-long vacation on Friday night. I am beyond excited for it. It's been over 3 years since I was last in my home town. We will get to see tons of family over that week and celebrate my grandparents' 50th Anniversary. It's a much needed vacation for us, but I must admit I am making myself crazy thinking about it. The expenses, the drive, all of it. I hate that I do this to myself. I worry too much about spending too much money and what might happen instead of just allowing myself to indulge and enjoy the fact that we're actually taking a family vacation. Doesn't happen often for us.
3. My kids. The past few days have been a struggle. M and L are both in tough stages and I have felt like tearing my hair out at times. They fight about every little thing. One is hitting the other, stealing a toy, or destroying something. It's rough to say the least. But, I keep reminding myself that this will pass and it will get easier.

Needless to say, I'm stressed. Which is nothing new for me.

Hopefully I can get through this week fairly stress-free and then enjoy my vacation and RELAX. I sure need it.

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